Megan Marx & Katie Davis (Dildo’s Changed My Life. We Believe You) – ExCoGi Girls

There are very specific and unique events that occur in each and every person’s life that they can claim “Changed Them.” For instance, getting clean would certainly qualify as a life-changing event. Another might be getting married to your soul mate, or divorced from your 3rd or 4th partner from hell. That one can certainly be liberating I’ll say and there’s no judgment here because everyone’s entitled to mistakes, or being an asshole at least once in their lives. Ok so let’s see, what else might qualify? Maybe the birth of a child, the death of a close loved one or maybe it’s going to and graduating from a higher-leveled educational University? Whatever it is they are all unique and special to each and every one of us in their own way. Well, for today’s “not so new” to the filming of herself naked and in public, we have Toy Crazy Katie Davis who’s known for shoving extremely large objects up her orifices and when I say EXTREMELY LARGE?! I mean EXTREMELY LARGE people, and like the title of this video states? Dildos changed her life, and we believe her…